Monday, December 3, 2012


It's been a while since I've done one of these blog type things. I guess I should give you all a little update as to why.

First and foremost I procrastinate too much. Simple as that

Second off I don't always have a witty story to share and therefore lack a topic to blog.

Thirdly I have school which means like 9 hours of my day go to that. (As a matter of fact I wrote this during lunch at school). School is a lot of time so that's the main reason I don't blog as much.

If you guys are desiring to know about what I'm doing the most likely place you would see me would be playing video games. I have a ps3 and pc for gaming. If you all wish to play with me my psn is the_zomb3h and my steam is
Also my twitter is @sonofblogger_

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